Fri 10 Jan
(------- BuStY BlOnDe-------) (------- HiGhLy SkiLLeD -------) (------ SpEciALs ALL NiGhT! ------) - 19
(AvAiLbLe NoW!!..........InCaLl / OuTcAlL)
Beauty & Class,, All In 1 Complete Package!! ((Sexy Summer)) Available for all Occasions~ - 24
💕Beautiful Breathtaking Blonde A rare beauty💕 Still Looking 4 GREAT Clients! 💋Samantha's Back!!💋 - 38
(Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Lake Forest, IL, Madison, Milwaukee)
☰ ____ *=B L O N D E=* ____ *=P L A T i N U M=* ____ *=B O M B S H E L L=* ____ ☰ - 21
**Cool off w/ me!! Blue-eyed Blonde~ *♡*LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle! *♡*Unbeatable Donation Rates!!!** - 40
(East Madison, Madison)
§EDUCT!VE__ *!*V!P*!*__ *!*+ BLONDE __ BOMBSHELL.. 1OO.OO §PEC!AL*!*__*!* AMAZ!NG §KiLL§ - 21
_ █ ☆█•: __▄ █ ☆█•: ▄_____▄ █ ☆█•: ▄__ █ ☆█ RATED #1 ESCORT OF 2012 █ ☆█•: __▄ █ ☆█•: ▄_____▄ - 21
East Towne 1st CLASS 💺🛬5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💋Passionate- Seductive- BLONDE💋 💦GFE💦 702-265-0922 - 22
$60-$80 Special!!!lThick Goddess 👑💋Better Than The Rest !💋👑💎THE ULTIMATE BBW TREAT!!! - 19
(Madison, Madison East)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy blonde cutie * Brooke 115Lbs 34c * fetishes, toys and much more ! $100 - 26
(Madison, madison west incall or outcall)
Sexy ,Seductive & Full of Surprises !! Ebony Goddess "Abrey " Sexy white girl Nia dirty bld - 24
(Madison, madison eastside or westside areas)
💕Sexy, fun, loving, blonde! KAITI!!💕 💋SpEc!as TilL 11!!💋 🎀DON'T MISS OUT;)🎀 🌟LIMITED TIME!!🌟 - 23
(Madison, Madison West)
Playful , Sweet , Very Exotic Blonde ! (out) All Surrounding Ares - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
[ S ][ T ][ R ][ i ][ P ][ P ][ E ][ R ][s] = [ D ][ O ] = [ i ][ T ] = [ B ][ E ][ S ][ T ] - 21
([[[[[ MADiSON ]]]]]] [ in/out])
★★💎★★High class blondes Do It Better! Sexy Petite IGot What U Want !★★💎★★ - 19
(Madison, incall madison /outcall Madison)
Discreet, 37 Y.O., Blue-eyed, Blonde Companion Available for YOU! SPECIALS MON. THRU WED.! - 37
▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ FuN SiZe CuTiE ▄█ ♥ █▄ RoUnD JuiCy BoOtY ▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ (( NeW NuMbEr )) - - 23
(Madison, Madison/West Madison)
double pleasure double fun! ;) ... CALL Kelsey and Kendra NOW (608)957-9529!! - 23
(Madison, East Side)
•▄ █ █ 💙 █ █ ▄ •°•° EXOTIC DREAM DOLLS •▄ █ █ 💙 █ █ ▄ 2 Girls --- 1 Bed •°•▄ █ █ 💙 █ █ ▄• - 21
Tall, Elegant and Refined! Mature, Busty, Blonde in Downtown Madison 1-day only March 7th! - 41
(Downtown Madison, Madison)
Tight & Thick Addictive #1 Best In Town- Upscale Provider! Thick Blue Eyed Blondie! 😘😘💋💎👑 - 19
(East Madison, Madison)
The BEST provider LOOKS +ATTITUDE bar NONE. HIGHLY REVIEWED!! Selena-I won't be here for long.♡ - 24
(Madison, Madison east)
♡Tall blonde and curvy! what more could you ask for? ♡ - 27
(Madison, Madison and surrounding area outcalls)
~ NeW GirL iN ToWn ~ outcall specials in madison! - 18
(Madison, Madison, Dells outcalls, Portage incalls)
Megan"s seeks a MATURE men Business men friendly with a naughty side but will be considered !! - 27
:*: *NEW :*: *2 girl :*: SHOW *: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: PIC'S :*: - 20
Madison's Best Kept Secret! Madison Incall Offering outcall in Janesville - 29
(Janesville, Madison)