Mon 27 Jan
LEGGY...BLONDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80 HH . . . . . . . . .[TONITE ONLY], . .TIL 6 AM - 44
(Madison, madison..middleton..downtown)
LEGGY...BLONDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . HR.. $135 . . - 44
(Madison, madison..middleton..downtown)
I'M BaCk♡•SLÏP Iñťô MŸ T!GhŤ GR!P ♡• Skilled Lips Let's GëŢ ŤH!§ PärtŸ STärŤËÐ♥ ♡• - 22
(Eau clair In only, Eau Claire)
LEGGY ... BLONDE .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1..HR...$140..TIL 3! - 43
(Madison, eastside)
im available tues come relax with me youll love me pretty blonde blue eyes easy west side location - 39
(Madison, madison west)
KiLLeR Curves ♥ SeXy FaCe ♥ AmAzInG TouCh UR #1 BloNdE PlayMatE!! 100% ReaL & UnRuSheD - 22
✿ •✿ HOTTT✿• •✿ ❤ ✿• •✿❤ ▬ ✿• •✿NAUGHTY &&& NEW✿• •✿▬❤ ✿• •✿❤ •✿•BLONDE•✿• (**HOPE**) - 21
HOT ... SEXY .. BLONDE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1..HR..$150 ! - 43
(eastside, Madison)
Incall Outcall - Safe REVIEWED Provider - 27
(Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Your place or mine?)
★★💎★★High class blondes Do It Better! Petite I Got what you want!★★💎★★ - 19
(Madison, Madison IN/OUT)
hot blonde call now... exciting.... fun...... super hot..... - 23
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
╠╣ o T == BLONDE ( freak that does it all! ) AvAilAblE NoW ! all fetishes!
- -FULL - PACKAGE - - - Busty &Blonde; - ALL AMERICAN GIRL NEXT DOOR- - -Sweet & Sexy- - - - - 25
💋💋 Friday specail 😚😚 brittany sexy blonde love to cuddle& kiss 💋💋 Fetishes 2Girlz & More😘 - 26
(Beltline exit 251A westside, Madison)
▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ FuN SiZe CuTiE ▄█ ♥ █▄ RoUnD JuiCy BoOtY ▒.█.▒ ▄█ ♥ █▄ ▒.█.▒ (( NeW NuMbEr )) - - 23
(Madison, Madison/West Madison)