Thu 09 Jan
? -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:-Erotic SeNsAtiOns* MiSs AlExiS kELLy:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:-? - 22
(Madison, Madison & Surr.)
Cell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology !!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
$60/30mins 4 hands massage Special * New Girls * New Massage Special * Best in town ** 608-422-5069 - 29
(801 S. Gammon Rd. Madison WI 53719, Madison)
NEW OPENING !!—&— █? █ █ ?█ —— SWEET ASIAN MASSAGE ——█? █ █ ?█ — 25 ?~~ - 25
(Madison, 4877 Larson Beach Rd McFarland WI)
LOOKING for HOTT an SEXY an MUCH more CALL me:) new donations - 26
(Madison, Madison East, OUT CALLS ONLY)
Wed 08 Jan
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$80 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
1st CLASS BODY RUBS🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💋Passionate- MASSAGE💋 414-841-3758 - 23
(Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, MY PLACE❤️💛💜💙💕💕YOUR PLACE)
I'm great with my Hands available 24/7 New number - 24
(In/out Madison and surrounding areas, Madison)
{ Let highly reviewed Jessica's hands take all the stress away. SPECIALS. Back 2/16 at 4pm} - 26
(Madison, Madison *Calling ahead is suggested*)
$60/30mins 4 hands massage special** 608-422-5069 - 29
(801 S. Gammon Rd. Madison WI 53719, Madison)
$80 $pecials Incall & Outcall Madison & $urrounding Areas 😘 - 25
(Madison, Madison incall and outcall)
$60/30mins 4 hands massage Special * New Girls * New Massage Special * Best in town ** 608-422-5069 - 29
(801 S. Gammon Rd. Madison WI 53719, Madison)
$60/30mins 4 hands massage special** 608-422-5069 - 29
(801 S. Gammon Rd. Madison WI 53719, Madison)
Let me fulfill some of you most needed desires and fantacy's guys...dont miss out on all this!! - 24
(Madison/Sun Prarie/Eastside)
Tue 07 Jan
* MaDiSoN's HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD ViCtOrIaN MaSSaGe EaSt SiDe InCaLL SpeCiAls * - 21
(Madison East and surrounding areas)
( Early Bird Special$ ) *** Bambi The Blonde Bomb$hell *** 608. 576. 2228 - 19
(Madison & surroundng)
~~~~~ New Grand Opening ~~~ Reflexology Station & Asian Massage~~~ 608 - 320 - 9665 ~~~ 22 24 - 22
(4877 Larson Beach Rd McFarland, WI, Madison)
Specializing In Every Massage Fantasy You Can think of👄👄👄💥💥💥👠👠 - 33
(Downtown Eastside Milwaukee, Milwaukee)
"Forbiden Touches" with Sensual endless Pleasure's. Far and beyond ***** - 32
(Milwaukee, Close To Mayfair Mall)
Private Incall Milwaukee, WI >>> Independent ***MATURE*** Experienced
(Milwaukee/Private In Home Studio)
College girl looking to pay for my books this semester...
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, Incall/Outcall)